Author name: manishapanwar


Back To College After Mid Life – What It Means

Learning is a lifelong process. Experience, setbacks, Professional life or simply college education – all account for Learning. Whilst the expectation of the society and our system is to complete all formal education on time as a young adult, there are times when education in the middle of a career is not an unheard of phenomenon anymore.

Organizations, Institutions and Companies have started encouraging employees to take the sabbatical (in the truest sense meaning study leave). Many short term courses and Refresher courses are part of the Training Plan for any organization with a dedicated team of employees whose sole responsibility is to help an individual learn.

Today, we speak to few such individuals, who decided to take a study break from their careers and went back to college and campus. Most of them did so when they hit the age of 40 or more.
We were intrigued about how they managed and how they enhanced themselves in the process.

Preeti Garg, 43, Founder- 2 Wagging Tails, decided to tick off her bucket list of studying in a top notch world renowned B School. She was selected for the elite Senior Executive Leadership Program with INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France when she was at a high point in her career as a Solutions Architect in a Fortune 500 Company. The organization was supportive and she embarked on a journey of learning for one year with contact programs across the world.

Read the full story here –

Studying formally is never a bad idea. Education is always useful. In the present times, courses are available easily online and at course fees that are economical as well. Student loans are structured and hence taking a decision to go back to campus is easy once you want to.
If you would like to know more about studying further, or feel stuck about what path to take, drop us an email and we can help you network with people who have gone through the same.

#Brewathought #backtocollege #sabbatical #studyleave #lifecoaching #upskilling #lockdownlearnings


Skills Professionals Should Have For Working In The New Normal

Skills Professionals Should Have For Working In The New Normal

Enough time has now passed to know that the Pandemic is here to stay for sometime. People have realigned and the economy is trudging to get back into it’s feet. The “New Normal” as it is called is here and we have no choice but to embrace it and work accordingly. It is also now known that work life will not be the same and it is time professionals start to hone up skills that will be useful for their work life.

But first, we must know what the “New Normal” really means in the workplace.

Gaurav Markanda, Partner, Panarc Consulting Group, who is a Management Consultant for the past twenty years, describes the new normal as a work environment that will stand on 4 basic pillars. “Innovation leveraged through collaboration for creating unique value proposition, Focus to be sharper on the arena in which organizations wish to play, Flexibility in deployment of manpower, money and capacity and finally Technology enabled interactions”, Gaurav elaborates.

If you would like to take a pause, discuss a few career options or just a coaching conversation to manage yourself better in the “new normal”, write to us.

#brewathought, #newnormal, #lockdownlearnings, #workfromhome, #mentalhealth, #newskills #honeupskills, #growth #industries


Benefits Of A Cognitive Diary

Being an Executive & Life Coach, I look for tools that can support people in their journey or in working their way through their dilemmas. Needless to say, one size does not fit all. However, there is one such tool which I highly recommend for all to follow. It has to do with journaling and a concept called Cognitive Behavior Therapy. I am not a Psychologist so I will not delve into the working or how of CBT but an important part of CBT is about maintaining a diary of your feelings. I also am of the opinion that writing is therapeutic and can do wonders to one’s state of mind. The technique has a lot of depth if practiced correctly with the support of your Coach.
Let me explain this to you in a simple manner.  Most of us react to a situation giving in to our emotions that are triggered by the beliefs that we carry. The reactions on hind sight may then leave us guilty and with a feeling of “Oh My God! Why did I ever behave like that?!” Simple, because we are so engrossed in our own “self talk” that seldom do we realize the consequences of an impulsive reaction. This, by the way, causes us more harm than the person who we are reacting to.


Social Media Marketing – A Boon For Small Businesses

Social Media Marketing – A Boon For Small Businesses

With the Pandemic refusing to taper, the economy struggling, Life being valued more, the #newnormal is the normal now. Amidst all this, it will be wrong not to acknowledge and be grateful to things that have made this time fairly easier than what it could have been.
Business wise, people are being pushed to be more creative, new ideas are taking over, online business is thriving and social media is a big platform. For all its debatable issues, being online has helped businesses to tide over this difficult time. Marketing and Selling over Social Media platforms is not something new. It was gathering momentum years ago. The Pandemic has made SM a necessity. There are many advantages of being present online as a Business.

Big Businesses use SM to their advantage with exclusive teams and technology to work for them. However, we thought of talking to Social Media experts on how the platform is being used by small businesses or startups and how the mindful use of the same can help them grow.

Sulekha Sharma, Managing Director, Dunst Nolan and an expert in Video Analytics and Digital Transformation, says that there are many advantages for people with smaller business to be present on social media. “For starters, there is a huge return on investment and social listening allows businesses to easily determine what the audience wants”, she says. “Social media has huge potential and it does not matter how big or small the business is as long as it addresses the problem statement. Unlike the days of full page ads, being present on social media, is agnostic. This is a great time for ideas to germinate”, she adds.

Read the complete article here

If you are a small business or a #startup, who would like to have an expert’s opinion about Social Media strategies for your business, write to us.
Specialist on board #Brewathought will devise customized and time bound plan to help your brand be Social Media present in an effective manner.

#brewathought, #socialmedia #socialmediastrategies, #smallbusiness, #startup, #socialmediamarketing #programmatic #advertising #marketing #selling #branding


Five Home Based Businesses

The world is now going through a sense of fatigue whenever the word “Pandemic” is mentioned. It has been clearly a time of uncertainty, fear and despair. But not all is so bad. The situation changed across the world and perhaps while Mother Nature was healing, we started to look at work and skills differently. The past nine months has seen the emergence of new ideas, realignment, “making the best use” of work skills.
People either lost their jobs or had more time in hand. As they were pushed to be more creative and think out of the box, they turned to activities that helped them release their stress.
This has led to the emergence of home based businesses that started to cater to this need. It also led to a new breed of entrepreneurs who had taken to these activities as a hobby and now turned it into their part profession.

We look at five such home based businesses that are growing and will flourish in the days to come.

Amidst these uncertain times, one thing is for certain. People can push themselves to think differently and it is only a few who can take the risk to think and implement their ideas. You can do your bit by encouraging home based business and buy products being offered by them.

If you would like to know more, to network with home based entrepreneurs, write in to us. We can help you connect and also offer business solutions to take your home based business forward.

#brewathought #startup #homebasedbusiness #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #food #healthandfitness #merchandise


Managing Money As A Fresher.

“Money” – An all encompassing word. The more you run after it, the more it lures you!
Being smart with money is the only way one can enjoy it. All it means is that if you are smart enough to manage your money, you will be able to reap the benefits as you like. As much as one would like to say, “money is never enough”, it is solely upto you to see how you can make money work for you, your needs, your wants and help you lead a comfortable life whilst being able to achieve your short and long term goals.

A person’s first brush with money comes when they start earning – as a Fresher perhaps. While the joy of making an “x” amount as salary is good, many a times Freshers or new entrants in the salaried category realize that it finishes before they know it!

We, at #Brewathought have been interacting with a number of students who are making their transition from college to the work place. One of the major concerns was about how to manage their income especially if they are to move to another city. We list down 5 major non negotiable habits that Fresher’s can inculcate to make their money work for them.

Read the complete article here:

If you area #fresher, who needs assistance in #Financial Planning or just want to be #coached about how to start the process of managing Finances, write to us and we will help you reach to an expert.

#brewathought, #finances #financialmanagement #money #moneymatters #freshers #interns


Trending Hobbies In Pandemic Times

When the Pandemic struck and we were all confined to homes, it led to some sort of newness that none of us would ever think of.
Hobbies and Activities were in the wish-list for many. Albeit the fact that the Pandemic has taken a lot away from our normal lives, we can’t help but notice all that it has given us. Family time, less workplace commute, opportunity to work from home, creativity and learning technology to our benefit.
With extra time in hand, a few hobbies are trending amongst the young and old. Despite the age, people are re-looking into things they hoped to do if they had the time. Many have decided to pick hobbies that are new or renew their love for what they did earlier in life.
We bring you 5 such hobbies that are helping people deal with stress and utilize their extra time well.

Read the complete article here

Hobbies are plenty and everyone must have one. In our opinion Reading, Craft work and stitching are some hobbies that not just improved focus but also expanded your mind to do more. Write to us if you are pursuing a unique hobby that is giving you pleasure.

#brewathought, #lockdownlearnings, #pandemic, #blogging, #blogger, #selfcare, #health, #fitness, #music, #worklifebalace, #productivity.


Virtual Hiring – How Effective Is it?How To Ace It

Virtual Hiring – How Effective Is it? How To Ace It

Technology has been a huge boon for the world today. How else can we attribute the working of the world even during a Pandemic. The world pre Covid19 was slowly moving to become a virtual world. Covid19 only pushed it to make the transition faster.
As the economy is trying to get back its feet, processes and practices which were carried out only with physical presence has moved to the virtual world. Hiring is one of them.

What is Virtual Hiring?
Virtual Hiring as the name suggests is the hiring of potential employees using virtual methods like portal sites, recruitment software and social media and using tools such as online interview, telephonic or online assessments. In the past few years, virtual hiring was done to sieve the candidates applying for a job. This happened at the initial stage of screening to check if mandatory requirements of the job are met or not. Shortlisted candidates were then screened further but the eventual decision to hire was done only after a face to face interaction. However, these days it is not wrong to say that the entire Virtual hiring process including onboarding is being conducted online. The relevance of remotely hiring or hiring from home is something that has given way to Recruiters to think in a new way so that employee requirement is not compromised.

Read the complete article here

If you are a Company looking to hire or a candidate who is looking at opportunities or just someone who would like to be coached in the area of resume building, interviews and social media presence, drop us an email

#brewathought #coaching #hiring #virtualinterviews #virtualhiring #resumebuilding #motivation #job #jobopportunities #interview #newhire #hire #onboard


Outplaced? Here Are Five Things You Must Do.

Outplaced? Here Are Five Things You Must Do.

Asking someone to leave an organization is never easy. It is not a situation any professional may want to find himself / herself in. The reasons to outplace employees or ask them to leave can be many. Not every reason is about performance. Keeping in mind business dynamics, economic requirements and growth, it is not rare for Companies to ask their best to leave. No matter what the reasons are, one thing is for sure. A professional who has lost his job, will have to place himself / herself back in the employment market.

So what can be done? We list out 5 Must Do Actions that one should take if you want to be employed as soon at the earliest

Outplacement is the act of placing an employee out of the organization basically asking them to leave on account of various reasons. The process is emotionally and financially strenuous and unpredictable. Many companies extend Outplacement services as part of their welfare scheme to the outgoing employee to help them transition to a new job seamlessly.

At #Brewathought, we extend Outplacement services to our clients and to individuals. It has a structured 4 week process from building resumes to helping connect with hiring agencies / companies.
If you are looking for #resume building, #interview-coaching #socialmedia, do write to us

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