Asking someone to leave an organization is never easy. It is not a situation any professional may want to find himself / herself in. The reasons to outplace employees or ask them to leave can be many. Not every reason is about performance. Keeping in mind business dynamics, economic requirements and growth, it is not rare for Companies to ask their best to leave. No matter what the reasons are, one thing is for sure. A professional who has lost his job, will have to place himself / herself back in the employment market.
So what can be done? We list out 5 Must Do Actions that one should take if you want to be employed as soon at the earliest
Internalise the Situation
The outplacement situation is hard and the only one who can help is the person themselves. Come to terms with it. Emotionally take care of how you feel. Take your family into confidence and explain the situation. Sometimes, people have enough notice period to have a smooth hand over and sometimes the circumstances are not too kind. Internalise all your emotions and decide on what your future course of action will be. Give yourself time to completely understand yourself and how you “feel”.
Build and Capitalise on your Brand
Moving ahead, you must know that you are a Brand in yourself. Get down to introspecting about what this situation means to you. Will you say yes to the first job that you can find? What do YOU as a professional stand for? Build your own Brand. Capitalise on your skills. Take your SWOT, work on your challenges.
Network and Use Social Media
Networking is key in order to understand how you can be reached out by other companies. Explain your stance in terms of employability to friends, ex colleagues, ex companies and everyone you would like to connect within your work fraternity. Make your social media presence felt professionally. Spruce up your LinkedIn, connect and reconnect. Reach out to consultants.
Do not shy away from asking. The more you ask people, the more you will learn of the industry and the hiring trends. Also, speak out, give your opinion, publish your thoughts about your industry with people and on Social Media. However, stay away from controversy and radical opinions.
Be Engaged in Projects
No job does not mean you cannot be engaged fruitfully. Take up Projects which may help you later. Decide what you had always wanted to do. Upskilling, community service, writing articles, teaching are some examples of how you can be productive. All of this can then be added in your resume.
Outplacement is the act of placing an employee out of the organization basically asking them to leave on account of various reasons. The process is emotionally and financially strenuous and unpredictable. Many companies extend Outplacement services as part of their welfare scheme to the outgoing employee to help them transition to a new job seamlessly.
At #Brewathought, we extend Outplacement services to our clients and to individuals. It has a structured 4 week process from building resumes to helping connect with hiring agencies / companies.
If you are looking for #resume building, #interview-coaching #socialmedia, do write to us