Virtual Hiring – How Effective Is it?How To Ace It

Technology has been a huge boon for the world today. How else can we attribute the working of the world even during a Pandemic. The world pre Covid19 was slowly moving to become a virtual world. Covid19 only pushed it to make the transition faster.
As the economy is trying to get back its feet, processes and practices which were carried out only with physical presence has moved to the virtual world. Hiring is one of them.

What is Virtual Hiring?
Virtual Hiring as the name suggests is the hiring of potential employees using virtual methods like portal sites, recruitment software and social media and using tools such as online interview, telephonic or online assessments. In the past few years, virtual hiring was done to sieve the candidates applying for a job. This happened at the initial stage of screening to check if mandatory requirements of the job are met or not. Shortlisted candidates were then screened further but the eventual decision to hire was done only after a face to face interaction. However, these days it is not wrong to say that the entire Virtual hiring process including onboarding is being conducted online. The relevance of remotely hiring or hiring from home is something that has given way to Recruiters to think in a new way so that employee requirement is not compromised.

How Effective is it?
The effectiveness of Virtual hiring is seen directly in terms of saving cost, time and investment. It not just reduces the hassles of paper work but also helps build your own internal database that one can use in the future for a similar role. However, is the entire recruitment process effective when your company hires someone based completely on online interaction?
Pooja Kaura (VP-HR, Blue Lotus Communications, a Comniscient group company) says, “There are limitations to virtual hiring. Physical nuances which are so critical to human behavior are not available for one to read as easily as it is in an F2F. Hiring authorities need to paint a mental picture of the candidate akin to being an artist and rely on the gut, finally before taking a call”

Dipti Shah, Co- Founder, Brewathought and Life Coach says, “Nothing can replace an F2F but we should not undermine the usefulness of technology. Selecting the right candidate in the final stages may take a little more effort virtually but it is nearly close to the selection one may have done in an F2F.”

So given that Virtual Hiring is here to stay and we can only hope for it to mature in its process, what can a candidate do to ace a virtual interview. Here is how you can STEAR it.

S – Screen name and Rules
Use a professional Screen name that allows the interviewer to know exactly who you are. Refrain from nicknames. Screen rules must be adhered to. Be close to the camera, be visible till the chest. Dress as you would for an F2F interview. Clarify at the beginning itself that since you both parties are online and in the event of glitches, what protocol needs to be followed. Most times, the rules are laid by the company but if they are not, it is a good idea to clarify.

T – Test Your Equipment
Test your equipment in advance. Your router, internet connection, camera, mike, background and the way you would sit. Even if you already have a physical work space, it is a good idea to do a run with someone online before you actually get on to the interview. Be at the desk at least 10 minutes before time and do a clarity check once you are connected.

E – Eye Contact & Body Language
Even though you may be online, eye contact is essential. Your body language will be noticed and if there are two or more people on the screen, be mindful of making eye contact (Screen contact) with everyone. Notice individual names and be “present” at all times. Get rid of all distractions for the time period allotted.

A – Authentic
As in any interview, be authentic. Be real and do not try to fake anything. Not your skills, not your environment. People on the other side are highly perceptive and since they have been interviewing more people than you being interviewed, they are experienced in managing and understanding candidates.

R – Research
Carry out your research well – About the Company, the position, the role and the process of virtual hiring. This will allow you to be prepared. Understand how well you fit their culture and what are the growth opportunities for you. In all fairness, Covid19 times also means that your onboarding may be virtual too. Ask all questions that you may have.

Hiring will pick up in certain sectors of the industry. Hiring will not see a major change in processes but it may see the use of online platforms for scouting talent. Be present in your social media profile mindfully. Manage your accounts in a way that you are building your own brand. For Professional platforms, voice your opinion and share your expertise. This will help you increase visibility in the employment market.

If you are a Company looking to hire or a candidate who is looking at opportunities or just someone who would like to be coached in the area of resume building, interviews and social media presence, drop us an email

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